The Guy-Albion Historical Society Constitution was adopted on July 22, 1980, in the Council Chambers, Albion City Hall, Albion, Washington, and was signed by the following members: Everett Hope, Charlie Hemphill, LaVeta Marll, Winnifred E. Elwood, Dee Harrison, Burt Harrison, Dorothy Hemphill, Florita Hope, Odessa Markham and Lewis A. Elwood.
There have been five presidents since then: Dee Harrison, 1980-81; LaVeta Marll, 1981-83; Dee Harrison, 1983-94 ; Joe Keeney,1994-2001; Arline Lyons, 2001-2011; Roger Farrell, 2011-2016.
Board members who have served at various times through the years have been: LaVeta Marll, Greg Colvig, Charles Hemphill, Dee Harrison, Marie Brooks, Joe Keeney, Win Elwood, Everett Hope, Don Emerson, B. J. Collins , Gordon Bryan, Dorothy Matson, Ann Emerson, Peggy Perkins, Craig Whitney, Mark Robinson, Jean Goodnough, Nancy Phelps, Clinton Callaway, Roger Farrell, Garren Shannon, Arline Lyons , Doug Jasmer, Larry McGrew, Debbie Engle, Dory Lohrey-Birch , Ginger Zaske, Jay Baker, and Dori Emerson.
Nancy Phelps, Dee Harrison, Ann Emerson, Peggy Perkins and Dory Lohrey-Birch have been the editors who have written GAHS Newsletters throughout the years. Ashley Elizabeth Blair Tetzlaff took the editorial job in the spring of 2016.
Ashley Elizabeth Blair Tetzlaff, Secretary, Newsletter editor, ex-officio
Judy Croskey, Treasurer
Dory-Lohrey Birch
Doug Jasmer
Roger Farrell
Tim Sullivan
Dave Hoadly
Early History of Albion
1871 Levi Reynolds
homesteaded a quarter section of land here
1879 Ella Whetsel - Levi's daughter - and her husband Jasper D.Whetsel and children moved to the area
J. W. Rice
opened a blacksmith shop
1888 Levi Reynolds died - 18 months later the
townsite passed into the possession of J. D. Whetsel.
Mayors of
1910-1912 O. D. Crawford
1913 W. H. Davis
1915-1916 O. D. Crawford
1917-1919 H. M. Chambers
1922-4/2/23 T. M. Farnsworth
1923 O. D. Crawford
1914-25 H. M. Chamgers
1926 C. I. Roberts
1927-3/1/29 J. F. Juhnke
1912-1932 H. M. Chambers
1922-1939 W. J. Glunk
1940-43 Clark Colvin
1944-1954 Pete Christopher
1954-1962 John Lilley
1962-1967 Burt Harrison
1967-1972 C. B. Harston
1972-1977 Gerald Kenoyer
1977-1980 Merle
1980-1987 Everett Hope
1987-7/1/90 Craig Whitney
1990-1991 Mary Beth Barone
1991- Craig Whitney
Kay Johnson